Painting With Colokit To Develop IQ – EQ
Many experts say that children should be encouraged to “play” with colors because painting helps develop IQ and EQ.
So specifically, how do color and painting support and how can parents take advantage of them to help their children develop?
Most parents are interested in developing their children’s IQ (Intelligence Quotient) – logical reasoning ability, math skills, language and EQ (Emotional Quotient) – emotional intelligence, ability to feel, expressing, controlling emotions… The comprehensive development of these two factors will create the foundation for children to achieve success and solve difficulties later in life.
Painting helps increase IQ for children
Colokit – a prestigious brand familiar to many parents and children, researched the relationship between color and IQ and EQ development in children. The results show that color enhances the baby’s learning potential and intelligence development.
“Each color has a wavelength, and each of these colors affects children’s brains in different ways.” Most children are interested in red because of its prominence and ability to affect the senses strongly. Scientists show that the color red helps children remember for a long time, thereby remembering quickly and improving concentration. Yellow and ivory help increase learning efficiency, so they often paint classroom walls or appear in textbooks.
While green helps children focus more, develop thinking skills, and promote the desire to learn, understand and explore the world around them, blue encourages intellectual activity, reason, and thinking. Think logically, absorb lessons faster.
Therefore, scientists recommend parents use appropriate colors in the home and encourage children to draw pictures, often using colors to increase concentration and creativity. Parents can give their children the opportunity to be exposed to different and intelligent colors with various art products such as clay, watercolor, wax, etc.
To meet that demand, Colokit brand continuously improves, refreshes, and diversifies the product portfolio with bright, natural, close to reality colors, easy to use and maximize your baby’s creativity. In addition to research-based on psychophysiological characteristics and learning methods of young children, Colokit is also chosen by many parents for its quality and safety for children, meeting international standards EN 71/3, EN 71/9, ASTM D-4236, AP Seal, Certificate of Conformity (CR)…
Painting helps to reconcile moods and allows children to be happy
In some primary schools abroad, there are often in the curriculum for children to express opinions and feelings: prompting children to talk about their moods, naming positive and negative emotions, what should be done to get rid of negative emotions, or prolonging positive emotions. However, some Asian countries still keep traditional education, not focusing on children sharing emotions and expressing thoughts. As a result, children often have difficulty expressing feelings or finding ways to relieve stress.
An effective way to make it easy for parents to share with their children is to do fun activities like painting. Color can “reconcile” the stress in your baby’s mood. Also, according to the research of Dr. Nguyen Vo Ky Anh, the color blue helps to calm the young soul, create a feeling of relaxation, and help children become more confident. Pink calms anger and anxiety and has been shown to reduce heart rate. Not only girls but also boys feel peace and lightness when looking at pink.
If parents take the time to observe and talk to their children about paintings, parents will understand their children’s thoughts and mood swings. For example, when your baby uses too many warm colors, she may be feeling stressed or uncomfortable. If the child uses purple as the leading color tone in the picture, he has a high sense of calm, warmth, and relaxation.
In the period of character formation and thinking development, children need to have the opportunity to interact and participate in meaningful community activities. This process will help the baby grow up as well as comprehensively develop both IQ and EQ.
Read more: The Impacts Of Colors To The Development Of Children
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