Besides Flextok fake products, the fake Flexstick and fake Flexstick Neo also appeared in the Southern Philippines market. Those fake products fall short of FlexOffice’s quality standards. To avoid buying fake products, please pay attention to the following verification figures:
- Fake: copy of the old version which is no longer produced.
- Real: colorful & bright color, separate information of tip size (0.5mm) and (0.7mm)

- Pen caps & barrels
- Real: easy to open & recap. On the barrel, it is high gloss plastic, with a shiny finish to its surface. The label has a clear, bright color.
- Fake: hard, need more power to open and recap. On the barrel, it is low-quality plastic, opaque, and easily scratched.

2.2. Hot melt, the pen tip
- Real: Hot melt in a round shape, just enough to cover the tip.
- Fake: big, thin, and sticky.

2.3. Label
- Real: clear and bright color, especially the barcode label has a clear font size.
- Fake: label printed blurred, pale colors, letters on label easily scratched lighter colors than real pens. “Made in Viet Nam” printed bold but blurry.

2.4. Ink tube
- Real: the bigger amount of ink, visible ink follower.
- Fake: small amount of ink, the ink follower layer is not visible.

2.5. Date of manufacture
- Real: The production date is printed in the middle of the pen, full of production date information, and accurate
- Fake: the is printed at the end of the ink tube.

Be advised that FlexOffice is not responsible for any quality problems that may occur as a result of the use of fake products and any products purchased outside of FlexOffice’s authorized sales channels are not warranted by FlexOffice or supported in any circumstances.
We, therefore, urge that, to avoid purchasing fake products, customers only purchase FlexOffice products directly from FlexOffice’s authorized distributor – SQI Int’l Group Corp. We thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
As the trademark owner, we shall proceed with necessary actions to enforce our rights and to tackle the manufacturers and/or traders of the fake goods.
Please scan this QR code to see our certificate of international trademark for Flexstick and the announcement to beware of those fake products.
If you have any information about fake products, please contact us at the followings:
Phone No.: +63 2 8367 3386 (SQI)
Email: contact@globalflexoffice.com